MTAC Orange County North

Event Summary & Vouchers

Income & Expense Vouchers

There are two versions of the Expense and Income Vouchers. Please direct any questions regarding vouchers to Mary Joy.

The Microsoft Excel™ version (.xls) can be typed in, printed, and saved on your computer. You must have a copy of Microsoft Excel™ (or an equivalent program) to use this version.

Get the Microsoft Excel™ Expense Voucher

The pdf version is read-only. You can type in and print from this form but your input can not be saved to your computer. You must have a copy of Adobe Reader™ (or an equivalent program) to use this version.

Get the Expense Voucher pdf

Requesting Checks
For each program or project, give receipts and a completed Expense Voucher to the Treasurer as soon as possible after your event. Ideally, OCN will have one voucher for every check written to correlate checkbook and bank statement.

All reimbursements must be documented by receipts. Copies of receipts are acceptable. To meet auditor recommendations, check requests require chair or officer approval before payment. Signatures are best.

If you want a check at a meeting, mail the voucher and receipts well ahead of time. If you e-mail the Voucher and receipt copies, also phone to alert the treasurer to look for your e-mail.

Our fiscal year ends on July 31st. Receipts from the year ended are not reimbursable.

The Microsoft Excel™ version (.xls) can be typed in, printed, and saved on your computer. You must have a copy of Microsoft Excel™ (or an equivalent program) to use this version.

Get the Microsoft Excel™ Income Voucher

The pdf version is read-only and will allow you to print a blank form for you to fill out by hand. You must have a copy of Adobe Reader™ (or an equivalent program) to use this version.

Get the Income Voucher pdf

Turning in Checks
For each program or project, chairs give checks and a completed Income Voucher to the Treasurer. Submission verifies that all participating studios have sent the correct amount. The total amount is your budget for your program.

We can only accept checks that are made out by OCN teachers. Teachers collect parent checks and then write one check payable to MTAC/OCN. Checks must be completely and accurately filled out for the correct amount. Our bank returns checks that are missing information such as the date, MTAC/OCN, amount, or teacher’s signature.

Completing the Voucher Form
List each check on the Voucher (a verification and organizational tool for chairs, our Treasurer’s record, our bank’s deposit slip and a paper trail for auditors.) Excel allows checks to be entered in any order and then sorted alphabetically. It will total them for you